New Zealand Referees (retired)

Click on the letters to see rugby referees with surnames starting with that letter, and then click on 'View' to see all their games.

A (33) B (82) C (71) D (46) E (15) F (29) G (49) H (79) I (9) J (21) K (17) L (41) M (129) N (13) O (20) P (48) R (47) S (67) T (37) U (1) V (5) W (83) Y (3)
Surname First names Known by Province
Eagle Alan Frederick Wairarapa Bush view
Eaglestone Richard Douglas Auckland view
Earl Kevin David Waikato view
Eathorne Brian Thomas North Otago view
Eckhold Ivan James North Otago view
Eden-Whaitiri Sheldon Albert William Auckland view
Edge Thomas Tom East Coast, Poverty Bay view
Edwards Ashley Brown Ash Auckland/North Harbour view
Edwards Sean Hawkes Bay view
Elliott Michael S Mike Auckland view
